Category: Blog

The cold season is finally here, and you are getting ready for another ladybug invasion. One or two ladybugs aren’t harmful in your house, but you certainly have several unanswered questions when they come in armies. This article talks about what attracts ladybugs to your home, the possible threat of […]

Asian Tiger Mosquitoes, otherwise known as forest mosquitoes or Aedes albopictus, are natïve to Southeast Asia’s subtropical and tropical regions. They have black and white coats with white stripes that run from their heads right down their backs. An adult tiger mosquito measures about 10 mm from end to end, […]

Fall is an enjoyable season for everyone. Most people think of staying indoors and wrapping themselves in fleece blankets as they enjoy romantic movies celebrating Thanksgiving. To some, it presents just another season or constant running battles with pests. As the summer dies, fall pests arise, and boy, they can […]

Allergies rank sixth among the leading chronic diseases that have 50 million Americans suffering from various reactions every year. Insects and rodents are a significant factor contributing to these souring statistics; very few people understand this. If you are in this bracket, you must manage and control pests in your […]

Mosquitoes are one of the most dangerous insects on the planet because they carry several deadly diseases that have plagued humanity. Malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, West Nile virus, Zika, and encephalitis are all transmitted by them. And if not treated, each of these diseases is lethal. They prefer warm […]

As we welcome summer, the weather is warming up, and it is time to put away the winter clothes and head outside to have some fun. But do you know what else is on its way out? A lot of pests, especially ticks. Ticks are among the most dangerous little […]

Sure, you’ve heard the term “spring cleaning,” but do you know why it’s done? Most people use this term to refer to deep cleaning, which is not the case. For one, spring cleaning is done in the spring when the weather begins to warm. It also entails cleaning all areas […]

Finding out that your home is infested with termites is every homeowner’s worst nightmare. The Formosan termite species happens to be the worst of the worst. They are the most ferocious subterranean termite species, capable of chewing through wood, wallpaper, and even flooring. The worst part is that they will […]

We here at Mr. Bugg’s Pest Patrol would like to recognize, Harry Slagle, for 20 YEARS OF SERVICE with our company!! On this date, 20 years ago, Harry began his tenure with our company, and what a journey it has been! When you think about what exemplifies a great employee, […]

Even with all of the uncertainty we are facing right now in our country amidst the global pandemic of Covid-19, one thing is for certain…Spring is here and in full force. For those of us down in the South, we’ve had some days that already feel like summer! And for […]