Elf On A Shelf

Elf On A Shelf

Christmas TraditionsI had the pleasure of joining the Professional Women In Homebuilding for an annual luncheon/ornament exchange last week.  Most of the ladies, being considerably younger than I and having young children, were discussing the topic of the Elf On A Shelf. 

 Apparently like bell bottoms, lava lamps, peasant blouses, beaded door curtains and skinny leg jeans the Elf joins the ranks of “If you hold onto it long enough it will be back in demand” list. 

 I have an original 1950’s Elf On A Shelf that was in my Aunt Ruthie’s house from my earliest memories.  It’s nice to think that in the future today’s youngsters may continue to share this tradition with their grandchildren.

Merry Christmas To All!!              
