Pest Control Bessemer AL

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The Best Pest Control in Bessemer, Alabama

Pest control is an essential service that protects homes and businesses from the damage and health risks caused by pests. In Bessemer, Alabama, pest control is necessary due to the region's warm and humid climate, which provides a perfect breeding ground for many common pests. For example, fire ants, carpenter ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, and termites are common pests in the Bessemer area.

Providing Pest Control Services to the following zipcodes:

35020 35021 35022 35023

Whether you experience problems with ants, cockroaches, crickets, termites, mosquitoes, mice, rats, spiders, wasps, or other pests, we’ll provide the solutions that keep them out of your home or business.

Mr. Bugg’s provides efficient, fast pest control service at a great cost. Check our rates with other Decatur pest control companies to find out how little it costs to keep your property pest-free. Our transparent pricing ensures the price you see is the price you pay. Honesty is the best policy and that’s one thing you can always expect from us.

Call today to speak to one of our trained technicians. We’ll gladly answer your pest questions or schedule a free consultation. Pests are our specialty; let us help resolve your problems. We’re the Decatur pest control company you can trust.

Why Hire Mr. Bugg's Pest Patrol

We understand the unique challenges the local environment presents and offer personalized pest services to meet your specific pest control needs.

We Offer

Termite Control

Termites are one of the most destructive pests in Bessemer, causing billions of dollars in damage each year.
Our termite service includes various techniques, including liquid termiticides, termite baits, and barrier treatments.
Liquid termiticides are applied to the soil around a building's foundation, creating a barrier that repels termites.
Termite baits are placed in the ground around a building, and the termites feed on them and then bring the bait back to their colony, eventually killing the entire colony.
Barrier treatments involve creating a physical barrier between the termites and the building, usually by digging a trench around the foundation and filling it with a chemical barrier.

Cockroach Control

Cockroaches are another common pest in Bessemer, and they are known for their ability to spread disease and trigger allergies. They are attracted to warm, moist environments and can quickly infest a home or business if not controlled.
At Mr. Buggs, we use various methods to control cockroaches, including bait stations, dust, and sprays.
Bait stations contain a slow-acting poison that the roaches eat and then bring back to their colony, eventually killing the entire colony.
Dust and sprays are applied to cracks and crevices where roaches hide, killing them on contact.

Rodent Control

Rodents such as mice and rats are a common pest in Bessemer, particularly in older buildings and homes. They can cause damage to property and spread diseases, making them a health hazard.
At Mr. Bugg's, we use various methods to control rodents, including trapping, baiting, and exclusion.
Trapping involves placing traps in areas where rodents are known to frequent and then disposing of the trapped rodents.
Baiting involves placing poison bait in areas where rodents are known to frequent, killing them when they eat it.
Dust and sprays are applied to cracks and crevices where roaches hide, killing them on contact.

Mosquito Control

Mosquitoes are a common pest in Bessemer, particularly during the summer when temperatures and humidity levels are high. Mosquitoes are known to transmit diseases, making them a health hazard.
At Mr. Bugg's, we use various methods to control mosquitoes, including fogging, larvicides, and insect growth regulators.
Fogging involves spraying a fine mist of insecticide in the air to kill adult mosquitoes.
Larvicides are applied to standing water where mosquitoes breed, killing the larvae before they can mature into adult mosquitoes.
Insect growth regulators are chemicals that disrupt the growth and development of mosquitoes, preventing them from reproducing.

Wasp and Bee Control

Wasp and bee control is a critical aspect of pest control services. Both bees and wasps can build nests around homes or businesses, and their stings can cause severe allergic reactions in some people.
We will safely and effectively remove bee and wasp nests from your property, ensuring that you and your family or employees are safe from potential stings.

Bed Bug Control

Bed bugs are a growing problem in Bessemer, particularly in hotels and apartment buildings. These tiny insects feed on human blood and can cause itchy, painful bites.
At Mr. Bugg's, we use various methods to control bed bugs, including heat treatments, pesticides, and steam treatments.
Heat treatments involve raising the temperature in a room to a level that kills bed bugs and their eggs.
Pesticides are applied to cracks and crevices where bed bugs hide, killing them on contact.
Steam treatments use high-temperature steam to kill bed bugs and their eggs in hard-to-reach areas, such as inside mattresses and furniture.


While professional pest control is essential for controlling existing pest problems, prevention is critical to avoid infestations in the first place. Therefore, we strive for the importance of pest prevention and work with our customers to implement strategies that promote long-term pest control.
Steps to prevent pests include

Say Goodbye to Unwanted Pests!

Keep pests from taking over your home or business in Bessemer. Contact Mr. Bugg's today to schedule a thorough inspection and start receiving customized pest control services.
With our innovative technology and green methods, we offer customized pest control services that prioritize the safety and well-being of our clients and their properties. Our attention to detail and personalized approach set us apart from other pest control companies, and we are confident that we can help you achieve a pest-free environment.